Eligibility Criteria

  • The primary applicant must be an Otipemisiwak Métis Government Citizen (formerly known as the Métis Nation of Alberta).
  • The home must be the applicant’s primary residence.
  • Must exhibit financial hardship, which includes proving a loss of income resulting in a 50% or more decrease in monthly net income, providing bank statements for the prior three months or a record of employment, and submitting supporting documentation from the lender stating total arrears and the risk of foreclosure, etc.

Required Documents

  • Completed and signed application.
  • Two Pieces of identification:
    • Applicant: One government-issued photo ID and your Otipemisiwak Métis Government Citizen Card (formerly Métis Nation of Alberta Citizenship Card).
    • Co-applicant (if applicable): Either two pieces of government-issued photo ID or your Otipemisiwak Métis Government Citizen Card and one government-issued photo ID.
  • Notice of Tax Assessment for all household residents over 18.
  • Evidence of loss of income, such as a Record of Employment.
  • Mortgage Statement.
  • Letter from the bank stating the risk of foreclosure.
  • Bank statements covering the past 90 days.

Financial Assistance Available

A maximum of $5,000 towards mortgage arrears.

Application Process

  1. Download and complete the application form below or pick it up from a Métis Capital Housing Office.
  2. Gather all required documents.
  3. Apply via:

Approved Applicant Conditions

  • Direct Payment: Métis Capital Housing Corporation (MCHC) will pay the approved funding directly to the mortgage lender.

 Please Note: Funding is limited and is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to applicants who submit complete applications and valid documents 

Application Deadline: Open until funds are exhausted.
